Deutscher Gottesdienst am Heiligenabend!
December 20, 2015 @ 1900 Uhr
Die Evangelische Glaubenskirche
Faith Lutheran Church
377 E. Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff KY 40160
feiert am Heiligenabend mit deutschem Kerzenlicht-Gottesdienst.
Dies wird ein vollstandiger Gottesdienst sein, mit vielen bekannten Weihnachtsliedern.
Um 2000 Uhr gibt es deutsches Essen.
Information erhalten Sie bei folgender Nummer: 270.352.4545
German worship on the Holy night!
December 20, 2015, @ 7 pm
The Evangelical faith Church
Faith Lutheran Church
377 E. Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff KY 40160
celebrates the Holy evening with German candle light service.
This will be a complete service, with many well-known Christmas songs.
At 8 pm there will be German food.
Information are available at the following number: 270.352.4545
German services are held each Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday!
Look for information about German Thanksgiving (Octoberfest)
service in September/October.
Visit the German Tourist Bureau
A member of our congregation recommends this site for authentic German Style Sausage, the kind Grandma used to serve at home. or email at
The Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC) is the successor to the Evangelical Lutheran synodical Conference of North America - with one important exception: it is international in scope rather than restricted to North America. It is our Sister Synod in Germany. Click on image to go to Their web site.
"Justified by Grace through Faith Alone"