Prayer Requests

Name: Daniel Spears
Location: Cape Coral, Florida
My wife & I are going through a lot of turbulent trials & tribulations that seem to never end..We urgently need your fervent prayers for a substantial financial blessing from above...We are about to lose our home very soon if God does not intervene speedily.
We know the Lord is "Faithful & True" & will not fail us now in our time of need.
Thank you in advance for lifting us up in prayer...May the Lord bless you, keep you, make his face shine upon you, & be gracious to you.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.
In Christ,
Daniel & Charlene Spears

Name: Mandy
Location: Sarasota
Please pray for my husband Paul to be drawn back to the Lord, and to lose desire for The other woman and that our marriage will be totally restored

Name: Bethany Culp
I am asking for prayer regarding an unspoken request - God knows. Please pray for abundant redeeming grace - grace upon grace. Pray for restoration, God’s justice and mercy, and healing of heart, mind, body and soul. Pray shame, weakness and disgrace be replaced with strength, dignity and honor. Pray strongholds against God be torn down and for God’s authority, kindness, and zeal. Pray for the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and repentance where repentance is needed - for humble, soft, prayerful, worshipful hearts that seek God first. We need so much repentance. We need so much grace. We need to know God is SO GOOD. Pray to pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for more workers for the harvest, and that Jesus would be king over us and come and heal our land. Pray for the salvation of lost family, friends and loved ones. Pray for discernment, wisdom and understanding for our leaders and their advisors. Pray our leaders would be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit of God. Pray for freedom, deliverance, and restoration. Pray all of God’s blessings and promises would come to pass and to walk in obedience to God, with God, in faith, in hope, in peace, and in love.

Name: Jeff LaLonde
Location: Avon, ohio
I would like prayer that the Lord help me find a godly wife. I have been divorced and despite my best efforts have not found the right one. But I know that Jesus can redeem this area of my life. Easily! The Word says that "it is not good for man to be alone" (Gen 2:18). I have been praying for this for a long time. I know that the more people that get behind something in prayer the more powerful it becomes. And so I present my prayer request. Thanks

Name: Marlowe
Prayers for my neighbors and kinfolk to put away addictions, unclean living and bonds, and to love the Ways of God.

Name: Eugenia Fain
Location: Sc
I have an unspoken prayer request

Name: Crystal Vines
Location: DC
Please pray for my finances and to sleep at night..i have no money coming in

Name: Danielle Burke
I have a prayer request their a boy I like a hole lot he ask me out back in summer of 2019 and I said no cause I wasn’t for sure if I like him I realize I do like him he is dating anther girl and got engaged to her recently please pray that they break up so I can have one more chance to be with him please pray I promise Jesus Christ I will do my part in the Bible and do everything I have to do order for it to happen and truly believe in it please whoever read my prayer request please pray for me and share this prayer request to your all church

Name: Kevin L. Broehm
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Reverend Martin I just finished hearing your video sermon that you presented this morning to your congregation. As a newly elected Elder to my church which is Shepherd Lutheran Church (WELS) in Albuquerque, New Mexico where I serve in calling on delinquent members as well as visiting shut ins and evangelizing, I sometimes wonder if not what I say as a seed planter for spreading God's Word if the people who hear me speak about Jesus if I'll see results.Your video sermon that you spoke of just reveal where I may be guilty of finishing what God has to say, because I want to see the results. By just by my being God's mouthpiece I shouldn't be hung up in seeing results and let God do the watering. I thank God and His speaking the words that He gave you to say that I now have a better perspective of being content on being God's mouthpiece as a Elder and not be so concern on seeing the results on seeing to those when I talk to people about Christ. Thanks for the inspiring message via the video sermon. Faith Lutheran does have a beautiful web-site. and God richly bless your congregational members of Faith. Finally God bless your ministry at Faith Reverend Martin as well as your family. My prayers go out to the sick the shut-ins and to all. Kevin L. Broehm Albuquerque, New Mexico

Name: Sharon E. Beamish
Location: Radcliff KY
Could you please do a special prayer for Sammy (Samuel) Adams. He is 11 years old and is dying from cancer. His hospice workers just put him on immenment death and he was put lower on transplant list.
Thank you, Sharon

Name: Dale
Location: Here
Pray I am healed in every way, That I have great wisdom, abundant love, perfect health and great wealth all today. God vanquishes Satan, all my foes and their minions, and I am blessed like Job all now. I walk and run with Chip, my family and friends are healed all today. God speaks to me in a loud voice, I hear and obey, I have peace, Joy and love today. Praise and thank God. In Christ's name. I win my case now.

"Justified by Grace through Faith Alone"